Rupanyup Primary School prides itself on providing a supportive, friendly and caring learning environment. We have an inviting, relaxed community atmosphere that fosters a strong and active partnership between students, staff, parents, and the local community. Our core values of respect, striving to do your best, and service to the community are intrinsic to the achievement of academic and social goals.
Rupanyup Primary School is located in the Wimmera region of Victoria, 30 minutes east of Horsham, with a current enrolment of 14 students in 2023. Our small school community enables us to maintain small class sizes and a strong sense of connectedness to the school and the community. Our current staffing consists of the Principal, two full-time teachers, and a Business Manager.
Our School Strategic Plan goals are to improve student learning growth in Literacy and Numeracy, and to improve student engagement and motivation in their learning. We strive to provide opportunities for students, both within the classroom and outside of school, working closely with our community. We are fortunate to offer Spanish as our LOTE subject for 2023 and our school council leads an OSHC service which attracts students from neighbouring schools.
Our excellent facilities include a 25 metre swimming pool, a large lush football oval, a new portable chicken coop, outdoor play area, a hall, and an art room. It is imperative that our students have access to the latest technology and have the knowledge and skills to utilize this and become 21st-century learners. All classrooms are equipped with an Interactive Whiteboard and students have 1-1 access to either an iPad or netbook computer.
Rupanyup Primary School recognizes the importance of the partnership between the school and families to support student learning, engagement, and wellbeing. We share a commitment to, and a responsibility for, ensuring inclusive, safe, and engaging environments for children to learn, grow, and succeed.
Our values are: Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility, and Cooperation.