Are you a generally registered general practitioner seeking guidance on the path to fellowship?
A complex process, we help GPs consider individual circumstances and outline benefits of rural practice in designated population area locations.
The advantages include:
Financial Benefits
Earning potential exceeding $500,000,
Government grants up to $50,000 per year,
Relocation bonuses available for discussion.
Lifestyle Benefits
Affordable housing options,
Excellent private and public schools,
Work opportunities for partners of GPs.
Work Benefits
Moratorium reduction up to 50%,
Individualized training from top rural generalists,
Hands-on experience and varied consults,
Upskilling in areas like occupational health.
We work with clinics in diverse locations including Kimberley, Pilbara, South West, and Wheatbelt regions. Program options include PEPP, FPRV, TSAC, RRM, IPR, ACGP, IPOMPS and others. Our team prioritizes confidentiality and professionalism ensuring accurate matches between your needs and presented roles.