Expressions of Interest – Authorised Person for the purpose of home schooling registration – Broken Hill and surrounds.
recognises home schooling as a legitimate alternative to the enrolment of a child of compulsory school age in a government or registered non-government school in NSW.
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is delegated by the Minister for Education and Early Learning with responsibility for administering the home schooling registration program in NSW.
NESA is seeking expressions of interest for the role of Authorised Person for home schooling registration from persons based in Broken Hill or the surrounding areas.
Authorised Persons are experienced educational leaders who conduct assessments of applications for home schooling registration in the home of the applicant. The Authorised Person’s assessment considers the applicant’s compliance with the home schooling provisions of the Education Act 1990 and related guidelines. Authorised Persons provide reports and recommendations to NESA relating to applications for home schooling registration.
The successful applicant for this role will initially be engaged for a period of one year with the possibility of further extensions up to six years, commencing as soon as possible or at an agreed time.Remuneration for the role is on a contracted fee-for-service basis and is determined by the number of applications that the Authorised Person assesses. This can fluctuate each week and is dependent on how many applications are received for the region.
Your Expression of Interest must address the below selection criteria in the application process (no more than 250 words for each selection criteria).