General Practitioner VR / Non VR General Registrant / Very busy Practice/DPATown
The two practices are located on one of the main streets of a beautiful Fraser Coast town.
It's about 250km from Brisbane.
Its nearby Fraser Island, calm beaches, reputable educational facilities including access to tertiary institutions make it a sought after destination.
There is a recently multi million dollar upgraded shopping mall, good public hospitals and a newly built private hospital.
Position Description
This opportunity is for a committed full-time general registrant, VR or non VR general registrant, permanent or part time position in the Fraser coast region.
AHPRA + min 2 years medical work experience.
65-70 % gross billings or $150/Hour for the first 12 weeks whichever is greater.
It's an excellent opportunity for an enthusiastic general practitioner or specialist.
Competitive percentage (mixed billing) with excellent nursing and admin supports.
Working hours are flexible and family friendly.
Full patient base & high demand.
Replacing relocating GP.
DPA available.
Mentorship and sponsorship for PR available.
Practice Details
The two practices are located in high traffic area close to a busy shopping mall.
There is on-site pathology and Allied Health services in the clinics.
Pharmacy located in close proximity for both clinics.
There will be opportunity for broad general practice work, occupational health, skin cancer work and fellowship mentoring if necessary.