Local Laws Officer (Animal Control) (50176) The complete Key Responsibilities of this role are (but not limited to):
Enforcement and compliance with local laws and state legislation on animals, including:Impounding stray animals and stock.Undertaking patrols to monitor compliance.Identifying non-compliances and issuing on-the-spot fines.Actioning complaints on animal management, and following legislative processes to achieve compliance.Conducting inspections on the keeping of animals, and regulating approvals under the local laws.Operation of Council pounds and coordinating disposal of unwanted animals.Investigate community enquiries and complaints relating to compliance with legislative requirements, approvals, and permits.Assist with door-to-door inspections for dog registrations and with general duties associated with legislative requirements.Gather evidence, prepare and present reports for the purpose of prosecution of offenders.Assist the Regulatory Services team with undertaking investigations of nuisance complaints under the Environmental Protection Act, if required.Participate in education and promotion activities in relation to animal control.Job Category: Animal Control, Complaints, Compliance, Government, Government Investigators, Inspections, Investigator, Local Laws