About TAFE Queensland
TAFE Queensland is proud to be the largest and most experienced Vocational Education and Training provider in the State, with a history of serving Queensland communities for over 140 years. We have recently been named the State Winner of the 2023 Large Training Provider of the Year at the prestigious Queensland Training Awards. Our training is delivered to students and apprentices on-site, online, in the workplace, or on-campus to give people the skills they need to enrich their communities, support their industries, and strengthen their local economies.
By working at TAFE Queensland, you can be part of a highly experienced workforce closely connected with their industries and dedicated to delivering best practices and innovative training.
Your Opportunity
As a Lecturer in TAFE Queensland, you will contribute to teaching and related research and evaluation within your discipline. You will be a member of a teaching team within the discipline.
You are expected to contribute to the teaching effort of the organisation and to carry out activities to develop scholarly, research and professional activities relevant to the profession or discipline. You will also engage with industry ensuring support for the promotion of TAFE Queensland’s applied learning philosophy.
This position reports to the Discipline Group Manager and is based primarily at South Bank campus however you may be required to perform work at other TAFE Queensland Brisbane region campuses.
This casual talent pool may be open for several weeks and is for opportunities as they become available.
Key Responsibilities
1. Make contributions to the teaching effort of TAFE Queensland at an undergraduate level, and honours and postgraduate level (where qualifications allow).
2. Carry out activities to maintain and develop scholarly, research and/or professional activities relevant to the profession or discipline and to learning and teaching.
3. Ensure compliance with TAFE Queensland and partner university systems and processes to document, evidence and report scholarly activity within expected timeframes.
4. Develop course material and support the overall coordination of the course, as required.
5. Initiate informal and formal interactions with students and staff across the Campus and externally with other institutions, industrial and professional groups, and community/individual organisations. Formal interactions are those which are commercial in nature and must be sanctioned by the relevant Dean/Head as appropriate.
6. Support, prepare and deliver lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical classes, demonstrations, workshops, student field excursions, clinical sessions and/or studio sessions.
7. Deliver lectures, and undertake marking and assessment.
8. Consult with students, and supervise post-graduate students where such qualifications are offered.
9. Perform assigned teaching and learning duties on or off campus, including conducting research and a range of administrative functions which are connected with the discipline/courses in which the Lecturer is teaching.
10. Attend and contribute to organisational unit and broader meetings and/or participate as a member in a number of relevant committees.
11. Contribute to/or coordinate education-focused projects that support TAFE Queensland’s continuing status as a Higher Education provider.
12. Attend activities which support student recruitment.
13. Teach into Vocational Education and Training courses, where qualification and skills requirements are met.
14. Contribute to the success of transformation and cultural change through promoting and modelling the established values of Safety First, Working Together, Focusing on Our Customer, Showing Initiative and Taking Responsibility.
Mandatory Qualifications/Requirements
15. Possession of a doctoral qualification or a masters qualification in a relevant discipline at least one level higher than is awarded for the course of study being delivered; and/or
16. Recognised equivalent relevant academic or professional or practice-based experience and expertise, except for staff supervising doctoral degrees having a doctoral degree or equivalent research experience; and
17. Knowledge of contemporary developments in a discipline or field, which is informed by continuing scholarship or research or advances in practice; and
18. Skills in contemporary teaching, learning and assessment principles relevant to a discipline, the role, and modes of delivery and the needs of particular student cohorts.
Note: Proof of qualifications and industry currency/experience to be provided at interview.