Specialist Albury Medical Practice
Part Time three days a week
$32 hr + Super
This very busy specialist medical practice is co-located among other medical clinics, and is a well known and is very highly regarded.
We seek an experienced medical receptionist to work on the front counter with a team of other receptionists. You may have already worked in a busy environment like an ED Department, and can deal with challenging situations in a calm, empathetic and person-centric manner.
You will be someone who is naturally highly organised and love to assist others with a smile on your face. You will need to be highly presentable and professional, and need to work in a very confidential manner.
If you are looking for a part time role for three days a week, and can commit to every Monday (the other two days are flexible!), then please apply and we look forward to hearing from you.
Starting at $32/hr + Super, you will have a fantastic opportunity to enjoy a career in one of the best practices on the border