Position Information
Tumut High School (enrolment 430 students, including 90 Aboriginal students) draws students from within the town and from surrounding localities. Tumut is a rural town on the southwest slopes of New South Wales. The school provides many opportunities for students to develop a range of skills through a variety of quality educational activities. It is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school, where students are encouraged to respect others as they work cooperatively in meeting the school's high expectations. The school has strong partnerships with the local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group, Technical and Further Education (TAFE), partner primary schools, and the local community. Student Wellbeing is supported by a Student Support Officer who works collaboratively with the school wellbeing team and community organisations from our Wellbeing Hub. Aboriginal boys have the opportunity to engage in our Clontarf Academy, Aboriginal girls have the opportunity to engage in our Stars Program. Tumut High School supports a broad senior curriculum and encourages academic success and a range of other educational pathways including School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships.