Location Profile Melba Secondary College is a single campus school of approximately 675 students located in Croydon that provides a comprehensive education for students from Years 7 to 12. The goals set out in the Strategic Plan focus on improving the learning growth of all students with a particular focus on literacy and numeracy, improving student engagement in their learning and improving student resilience and connectedness to school. The third and final stage of the school rebuild was secured in 2023 with works to be completed in 2024/25 which includes a new college oval, Performing Arts building upgrade, car parking and landscaping. Melba Secondary College offers a safe, positive, learning environment, which strives to develop a sense of pride and community that is underpinned by the College values (STRIVE) of Success, Teamwork, Resilience, Integrity, Valuing Excellence and Engagement. The College has a ¿whole child¿ focus which ensures we cater for the academic, physical, emotional and social welfare of all students. Our College is committed to a strong and authentic Student Voice and these students are actively involved in the decision making processes of the College. Melba Secondary College offers a broad and engaging curriculum across all Domain Areas which includes an extensive range of subjects as part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM). The College offers a comprehensive range of elective choices in the middle school, with a