Temporary Employment Register - ACT Leave Temporary Register
Full-Time and Part-Time Temporary Classification: Administrative Services Officer Class 4 / Administrative Services Officer Class 5
Salary: $84,061 - $90,595 plus superannuation
Position No: Temporary Employment Register - ACT Leave
Directorate: ACT Long Service Leave Authority
Advertised (Gazettal date): 21 February 2025
Contact Officer: Daniel Laundess on or 6247 3900
ACT Long Service Leave Authority (ACT Leave) is a Statutory Authority of the ACT Government responsible for the administration of portable long service leave benefit schemes for covered industries within the ACT.
Our vision is to make portable long service leave universally understood and recognised as an important and accepted part of the employment landscape.
Our activities are determined by the Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Act 2009, and we are governed by a Board of Directors appointed under the legislation.
ACT Leave is establishing a temporary employment register to assist with the performance of urgent or specialised work during periods of peak demand or to fill surge capacity while standard recruitment processes are undertaken.
The register may be used to select staff for non-advertised short-term vacancies of up to six months within ACT Leave.
The type of temporary employment vacancies include:
Administrative Services Officer Class 4 (ASO 4) Administrative Services Officer Class 5 (ASO 5) Roles include Client Service and Administration, Finance, Compliance and Communications.
These roles may be filled based on operational requirements and the business needs of the organisation.
Applicants will only be contacted if a vacancy arises matching their skills and experience.
There is no guarantee of an offer of employment while an application remains on the register.
Applicants should send a resume directly to