Steel and welding workers build, repair and maintain steel and metal parts. This is a great role for people who enjoy hands-on work.
What is a steel and welding worker? As a steel and welding worker, you might work on steel or metal structures, boilers, pipes, ships or other vessels. Responsibilities include:
Using blueprints and specifications to guide your work Using hand tools, flame-cutting torches or metal-cutting machines Participating in quality control and safety procedures Basic knowledge of engineering and building techniques is also useful.
The median weekly earnings for structural steel and welding trades workers in Australia is $1,755. Note this salary is current as of July 2024 and is indicative only. A range of salaries apply to different roles across the industry.
Job demand in Victoria Below are the projected employment forecasts for structural steel and welding jobs in Victoria. Figures are shown for current workers in 2023, and the expected number of new workers that will be needed by 2026.
Note that the 'growth percentage' and 'new workers needed' figures take into account replacing workers who are expected to retire in the next 3 years. These forecasts are estimates only. There will be additional jobs available as people move between jobs and industries.
Region: Victoria - Workers 2023: 15,073 - Workforce growth 2023-2026: 0.3% - New workers needed by 2026: 1,061
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