Position Information
Goulburn High School is an inclusive, co-educational, comprehensive high school situated in a large regional centre. The school was founded in 1913 and currently has 613 students, including approximately 9% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and 6 Support Classes. The school offers a broad junior and senior curriculum and is renowned for its innovative and cutting-edge teaching and learning programs across all key learning areas (KLAs). These programs include the academic enrichment class in Stage 4 and outstanding programs in STEM and Robotics, Aboriginal education, sports, music and creative arts, learning support, vocational education and careers, and inclusive support classes for students with disabilities. The school also has excellent facilities, including six dedicated future-focused learning spaces, state-of-the-art Industrial Technology workshops, a thirteen-acre farm for rural education, an assembly / multi-purpose hall, and sporting facilities, including a gymnasium. These facilities provide students with excellent learning opportunities and experiences.
Goulburn High is committed to educating its school community through cultivating a high aspirations and inclusivity culture. The school ensures that all students are empowered to learn and achieve, experiencing high-quality teaching practice and the best conditions for learning. This equips students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for lifelong learning and shaping the world around them. The school's learning culture has been collaboratively developed and nurtured by a student-centred approach. This approach informs the school's values of respect, responsibility, and resilience. The three strategic directions: Student Growth and Attainment, High Impact Teaching, and Aspirational Inclusive Culture will guide the 2021-24 School Improvement Plan.
Goulburn High School has a proud history of a committed and dynamic teaching, administrative, and executive staff with a range of experience. The school also has an active and involved Parents & Citizens Association. As a result of highly effective community engagement programs and practices, the school has established excellent partnerships with partner primary schools, the AECG, Goulburn TAFE, local businesses, and the wider community. The school is well-positioned to prepare students for the future and is committed to providing a high-quality education for all students.