Job Description The School is seeking to appoint either a Lecturer Level B or Senior Lecturer Level C in Nursing (Learning & Teaching and Research) into the nursing discipline. Within this role, experience in either infection prevention & control and/or mental health, is highly regarded. As a Lecturer (level B) you will contribute to the teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate programs within the school, including initiating and developing course material where appropriate. This position is a balanced profile and will undertake teaching, course coordination and utilise clinical expertise. You will also undertake research in your area of expertise along with supervising the research of higher degree students (if eligible). As a Senior Lecturer (Level C) you will contribute to both the teaching and research within the School. You will undertake high impact research aligned with the research strengths of the School, teach and convene courses in undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and supervise Honours and Higher Research Degree students. Where required, this position will also act as program coordination. What we can offer This is a continuing, full-time position, primarily based at Griffith University’s Gold Coast campus. As Griffith is a multi-site University you may be required to work across other locations. Salary Range The full time equivalent base salary for a Lecturer will range $110,464 - $131,180 per annum 17% superannuation. The total FTE package will be in the range $129,242 - $153,480 per annum. The full time equivalent base salary for a Senior Lecturer will range $135,319 - $156,035 per annum 17% superannuation. The total FTE package will be in the range $151,213 - $182,560 per annum.