Marketing content creators use digital media to promote products and services. If you’re creative and tech-savvy, this role could be for you.What is a marketing content creator?Marketing content creators create and publish text, photos, and video. They use content to promote brands, products, or services online, including social media.In this role you may:create and edit text, photos, and videopublish content online and on social mediagrow audiences and build brand awarenessThe average weekly earnings for a marketing specialist in Australia is $1,264.Note that a separate marketing content creator salary is not available, and this salary is current as of May 2024 and is indicative only. A range of salaries apply to different roles across the industry.Job demand in VictoriaBelow are the projected employment forecasts for advertising and marketing professionals jobs in Victoria. Figures are shown for current workers in 2023, and the expected number of new workers that will be needed by 2026.Specific data is not available for marketing content creators.Region: VictoriaWorkers 2023: 25,058Workforce growth 2023-2026: 2.5%New workers needed by 2026: 2,764Explore growing industries in your regionExplore training, skills, and job opportunities in your area of Victoria. Find out where you could work, what kind of job you could do, and what training you’ll need.