Job Title: Lead the Aboriginal Water Unit (AWU)
This position will lead the Aboriginal Water Unit (AWU) to deliver government commitments to recognise and manage for Aboriginal values of water.
The successful candidate will be responsible for delivering the Aboriginal Water Program, which aims to better include Aboriginal people in the way water is managed in Victoria and reconnect communities to water for cultural, economic, customary and spiritual purposes.
Key Responsibilities:
* Build effective relationships across the Department, with Traditional Owner groups, and peak Aboriginal bodies
* Act as a key point of contact within the Water and Catchments Group (WCG) for Traditional Owners to progress their self-determined water priorities
* Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Victorian Aboriginal cultures and societies including Traditional Owner groups
* Demonstrated experience in working effectively with diverse Traditional Owner groups and Aboriginal Victorians and ability to strengthen and build relationships and partnerships
* Understanding, knowledge and experience of Aboriginal water issues is highly desirable
Salary: $90,000 - $110,000 per annum
We are committed to creating a culturally safe environment where individuals feel safe, valued, and able to celebrate their culture, and spiritual and belief systems.
Additional Information:
* This is an ongoing position
* The work location for this position is flexible within Victoria with hybrid work arrangements available
* Confirmation of Aboriginality will be required for appointment to this position