Applications close Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 11.59PM
Work type: Part time Salary: Salary not specified Grade: Ed Support Level 1-Range 2 Occupation: Education and Training Location: Northern Metropolitan Reference: 1466240
Selection Criteria
SC1 Demonstrated capacity to perform duties consistent with established guidelines and frameworks, including coordinating and supporting others in respect to specific work functions relevant to the role.
SC2 Demonstrated capacity to work and collaborate with others in a team environment.
SC3 Demonstrated capacity to communicate effectively in a team environment, including high level oral and written communication skills.
SC4 Possess the technical knowledge and expertise relevant to the position.
SC5 Demonstrated capacity to provide advice and support to management and other school staff in respect to the work area.
SC6 A commitment to professional learning and growth for both self and others.
An education support class position at this range will perform tasks that are carried out in accordance with guidelines, accepted practice, and school policy under supervision and direction. This may include coordination of other education support class staff within the work area or educational program.
An education support class position supports the educational services being provided to students but must not include duties of a teacher as defined in clause 2.6.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) or its successor. Supervision of students can be required individually or in groups up to 4 in controlled circumstances and where the responsibility for students remains clearly with a teacher.
Certification and/or qualifications of up to three years can be required at this level (noting that Registered Nurse is not included at this level, the first level for which is Level 1 range 3).
A role at this range may include:
* Specific support tasks to achieve outcomes. Typically, this will involve accountability for a single function, (e.g. ensuring data is properly maintained) or the coordination of a work area under the direction of the principal or a manager.
* Assisting teachers, within an educational program, by undertaking specific support tasks or the coordination of the support function.
* Supervised health and wellbeing support tasks, medical intervention support tasks, or other specialised student/teacher support roles (e.g. enrolled nurses performing the role as described in schedule 3). These roles require specific qualifications and/or training, including roles where further training must be undertaken from time to time. The role is for a specific purpose, for which there will be direct accountability as opposed to support roles that are carried out by a range of staff performing routine tasks under direction.
* Technical tasks that require a sound knowledge of basic technical and/or scientific principles that are used to develop and adapt work methods and make judgements where there are clear guidelines and limited options. Routine technical support in libraries, science, and information technology would be typical examples.
An education support class position at this range commencing at the base will initially be limited to undertaking routine tasks that are carried out under close supervision and direction. Work that carries some degree of independence will generally involve a limited number of tasks performed on a regular basis where priorities are clear, procedures are well established, and direction is readily available. Subject to any specific qualification and/or training requirement, an education support class employee employed in this range may be progressively required to undertake coordination, specialised student/teacher support tasks, or technical tasks as experience in the role is gained.
Prepare food, equipment and trays, tea towels, oven mitts, dishcloths for the commencement of classes.
Ensure work areas, materials and equipment are maintained in a clean and ready to use condition.
Undertake administrative tasks associated with the ordering of food.
Liaising with teacher/s to modify recipes for students with dietary requirements.
Collate staff orders, check, receipt and store all food on its arrival.
Follow correct hygiene and safety procedures when handling food.
Assist in practical classes and/or use of equipment and materials under the supervision of teachers and provide basic instruction/support where required.
Ensure adequate cleaning supplies are available.
Undertake daily cleaning of kitchens and prep area, including laundry.
Undertake end of term/year cleaning duties, including cleaning out fridges/freezers and ovens.
Who May Apply
Individuals with the aptitude, experience and/or qualifications to fulfill the specific requirements of the position.
EEO AND OHS Commitment
Applicants seeking part-time employment are encouraged to apply for any teaching service position and, if they are the successful candidate, request a reduced time fraction. Such requests will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to the operational requirements of the school.
The Department of Education is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, and diversity and inclusion for all. We value diversity and inclusion in all forms - gender, religion, ethnicity, LGBTIQ+, disability and neurodiversity. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for roles within the Department.
Child Safe Standards
Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards.
Location Profile
Brunswick Secondary College is a co-educational Year 7-12 College. While its students are drawn from Brunswick, an overall enrolment of 1050 allows for some enrolment of students from outside this area. Modernisation of school facilities, completed in late 2018, allows for growth in enrolments over the next few years. The College has an International Student Program.