Position Information
Dubbo College Senior Campus (DCSC) delivers a wide range of Stage 6 courses examined or assessed for the Higher School Certificate and is a part of Dubbo College, a three-campus collegiate. Dubbo College provides secondary education services to more than 1800 students from Dubbo and surrounding communities. DCSC has a current enrolment of 539 students. 33% of students identify as having an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background. Approximately 8% of enrolments require English an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) support. There are nine classes in the Support Unit.
DCSC provides a broad range of curriculum offerings comprising 40 New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) courses, seven school-delivered Vocational Education and Training (T-VET) courses and seven TAFE delivered Vocational Education and Training (e-VET) courses. Teaching staff engage in regular professional learning so high impact evidence-based teaching strategies are embedded in all course programs.
High expectations for students and support for them to develop capabilities as independent self-motivated learners are central to all DCSC programs and activities. A broad and challenging curriculum at DCSC provides students with choice and access designed to unleash the learning potential in all.
Transition from school to employment or post-school education and training is a key focus in the curriculum and is supported through the Strive for Success program. Negotiated, individualised goals combined with effective careers coaching are key components of this program. The DCSC Careers program provides multi-faceted and individualised support for students to navigate post-school options and pathways and set goals that are both aspirational and achievable.
DCSC focuses on maximising students' achievement in the Higher School Certificate and ensures that each is known, valued and cared for. Wellbeing and the Strive for Success program serve as foundational elements to academic and vocational learning programs and courses. Comprehensive programs for Aboriginal students have been implemented and funded to provide individualised monitoring of student attainment and the provision of targeted support to maximise student outcomes.
Students are also provided with opportunities to participate and excel in a range of curriculum enrichment pursuits that include student leadership opportunities, creative and performing arts activities and sport.
DCSC has developed and sustained links and partnerships with the Dubbo Regional Council, Charles Sturt University, community groups, local support agencies and services as well as local industries to provide the widest possible range of learning and personal development opportunities for students enrolled. Broadening the post-school horizons of students is implicit in all DCSC programs and activities for students.