Location Profile Ramlegh Park Primary School is located on 3.5 hectares of land in Clyde North. It was established in 2020 with 477 students starting in 2021 across all year levels and finishing off the year with over 540 students, and we currently have 1300 Students in 2024. The school has an Early Learning Centre next door and will work together through transition programs for the benefit of the students. The school grounds have been landscaped with native trees and shrubs whilst the buildings are brand new. There are 2 main learning areas that are architecturally designed for modern 21 st Century learning. The learning spaces are flexible and allow for a variety of teaching opportunities that best suit the student¿s needs. The Administration building also includes a Library, Art room, Food Technology room and Science room. A full sized gym with basketball court, music room and canteen completes the modern facilities that make up Ramlegh Park Primary School. Ramlegh Park Primary School strives for high academic learning for all students and uses the Victorian Curriculum which describes what students should learn from Foundation to Year 10. Ramlegh Park Primary School places a strong emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy with specialist subjects in Physical Education, Outdoor Education, The Arts, STEM and integrates AUSLAN as our language. Student wellbeing is supported using School Wide Positive Behaviours and the 6 Competencies of learning (Character, Citizenship, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking and Collaboration) which will be woven through all aspects of school life. Students use the Zones of Regulation to assist with expressing their feelings and developing strategies for the behaviours. Overarching all aspects will be a culture of PLC with an expectation that all stakeholders will learn together for full implementation of a professional learning community approach. Integrated planning and delivery, reflecting on the impact of teaching practice, professional interaction and activation of student voice using evidence-based, high impact teaching strategies are all central to the educational vision. Students and Teachers will use technology for teaching and learning in a sustainable 21st Century educational environment.