Location Profile At River Gum Primary School our school vision is that students own their learning and our teachers use their pedagogical knowledge to personalise learning. We value community, relationship and reflection. Our core values are Respect, Equality, Inclusion and Excellence and our school motto is "Together we can For every child, every day in every classroom". We believe our school provides a supportive and productive learning environment where all students can access success by fostering positive relationships and knowing each student. Our school is located in Hampton Park, a suburb in the City of Casey and Melbourne's south-east growth corridor. We are proud of our school community, and with a history of over 30 years our school caters for a wide range of social, economic and cultural backgrounds. At River Gum, emphasis is placed on professional growth, individual accountability and collective efficacy through regular coaching and professional development linked to school priorities. Professional Learning Communities work together to collectively impact student growth, through the use of the improvement cycle. Our school recognises the importance of research based frameworks for the design and delivery of quality whole school agreed curriculum learning approaches. All lessons are delivered through an Instructional Model as an entry point for establishing consistency and accountability in teacher practice and high expectations for all students. Whole school approaches are used in both English and Mathematics. In English students participate in a Readers and Writers Workshop daily and Fluency lessons. Mathematics is based upon The Big Ideas in Number. Our belief in a guaranteed and viable curriculum frames all learning in Mathematics and English supported by a documented curriculum. Learning is differentiated, and we use a tiered model of intervention to support learners. We offer a variety of experiences to engage our students through Specialist subjects including Music, Science & Technology, Physical Education & Visual Arts. Selection Criteria SC1 Demonstrated knowledge of the relevant curriculum, including the ability to incorporate the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills. Demonstrated experience in responding to student learning needs. SC2 Demonstrated experience in planning for and implementing high impact teaching strategies, guided by how students learn, and evaluating the impact of learning and teaching programs on student learning growth.