Please complete to Apply for Sales Assistant - Mooloolaba ( Casual / Temp ) ( QUEENSLAND )
A resume is not required to apply for this Job.
Work Hours Availability:
Please help us understand the hours you are available to work. This does not necessarily mean we will expect you to work all the hours we need covered or that you indicate, as the role may be flexible, shift-based or shared with other employees.
Set the Hours you are Available to Work
Please indicate your Salary Expectations per Hour in Dollars ( excluding Superannuation)
Please check the Job Advertisement for any other package details. Where work is part-time, please enter your actual salary expectations ( not a full time equivalent salary)
Please tell us about your Recent Work
List all your Jobs in the past 3 years or list your last 3 Jobs
Please record a single 5 minute video in response to the following questions:
If you were to choose 3 words to describe yourself what would they be, and why?
What will you bring to Ghanda that will set you apart from anyone else who applies for this role?
There are four things that every member of the #GhandaGang shares in common: We Think Customer, We Lift Each Other Up, We Nail the Fundamentals and We Take it to the Next Level. Which of these statements do you identify with most and can you provide further examples of how you embody this value?
Now please answer these questions before sending your application:
Do you have unrestricted rights to work within Australia? Yes No
Are you currently engaged in active employment elsewhere? Yes No
Do you have prior experience working in a retail setting? Yes No
Do you have access to reliable transport? Yes No
If successful, would you be willing and available to commence employment immediately? Yes No
I hereby confirm that all my responses to the above screening questions are true and correct. I understand that any false information could lead to the termination of my application, or in the future, the termination of my employment? Yes No
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