ES1-4 Student Wellbeing Centre Manager and Counsellor Schools (Government) VIC – Warrnambool VIC Thank you for your interest in the advertised position at Warrnambool College. At a time of exciting growth and continuous school improvement, this is an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated, dynamic professional to be part of our team.At Warrnambool College we achieve success through persistence, resilience and mutual respect.The College values are:Resilience, strength, mutual respect, courage, trust, global learners, honesty, accountability and persistence. Our moral purpose to improve educational outcomes and opportunities not just for our students, but for every student. Based on this ethos we promote the ideal that every Warrnambool student should thrive.School profileWarrnambool College is a Year's 7-12 secondary school situated within parkland in the eastern area of the city of Warrnambool. Students from the City of Warrnambool and the surrounding rural districts attend the school which has a stable student population of more than 1150 students with boys and girls in approximately equal numbers. Our staffing profile of approximately 150 members includes 3 Assistant Principals, 20 Leading Teachers, teaching and education support staff, wellbeing team members and a separate reengagement staffing complement.Warrnambool College strives to provide quality pathways for all students.School values, philosophy and visionThe primary aim of Warrnambool College is to prepare students for life as active, happy, healthy citizens. We provide opportunities to develop the academic, social and personal skills which will allow them to participate in and contribute to the community as competent and informed global citizens. Our College recognises and strives to meet the individual needs and educational requirements of all students.We make a strong commitment to child safety and consider this the duty of all child related staff workers.Warrnambool College offers an educational program which is diverse and interesting and allows students to experience success in an environment which is safe and supportive. We are innovative in curriculum development and always look to provide a contemporary, relevant program. This practice is reflected across the College as a whole and all teaching staff take part in Professional Learning Teams. The daily structure of the school operates on a four-period day; each period consists of 70 minutes.The Warrnambool College Way outlines the school¿s vision and values. This is integral to the work that we do and is the foundation of our school community. Students, staff and members of our school community are encouraged to live and demonstrate our core values of respect, integrity and kindness at every opportunity.Our school¿s vision is to empower students to reach their personal best, and fully equip them to contribute positively to society as happy, healthy young adults. Our narrative is to work towards 'Every Warrnambool student thrives'. Our value statements are Persistence, Resilience and Mutual Respect. These are embedded into our SWPB framework, student management policies and Attitude and Effort reporting structure.Student Welfare:Warrnambool College has a student welfare structure which is based upon the organisation of students into six House Groupings. Each House has a House Leader supported by two Assistants. There is a strong focus on Pastoral Care. Our College Wellbeing centre encompasses our Wellbeing coordinator, Student Counsellors, `Big Life¿ program coordinator, School Nurse and Speech Pathologist who all play a vital role in caring for students at all year levels. Warrnambool College has a commitment to zero tolerance of child abuse and safety of children with a disability, from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds and students with diverse sexual and/or gender identification.Parent Involvement:The College prioritises communication with all families through a range of mediums including the online communication tool, Compass. Parents and guardians are encouraged to become involved in College activities and the education of their children in all areas of the curriculum. Opportunities exist for parents and guardians to contribute at the policy-making level via our College Council and its various sub-committees.Education Programs:In Years 7-10 students are able to participate in studies from all areas of VicCurric and where applicable the Australian Curriculum. At Year 7 there is a common curriculum which aims to develop the students' competence in literacy, numeracy, the arts and technology as a foundation for success in future studies. In Year 8 students participate in Elev8 which is an integrated subject of Humanities, English and Health, whilst beginning their elective journey in the technology, the arts and languages area.In Year 9 students participate in PhoenIX which has student centred inquiry-based learning at the heart of this innovative program. At Year 10 students enjoy an extensive program of semester units which provide diversity, challenge and the opportunity to pursue studies of particular individual interest. The VCE timetable aligns with Year 10 units allowing for advanced study if desired. Students are also able to participate in educational extension and enhancement programs in addition to their normal studies. Students interested in vocational education can opt into the vocational major stream, with the opt-in option of VET being included in their timetable.The College is accredited to teach the SEAL program and is a founding member of the academy of accredited SEAL schools. Students who enter this gifted and talented program must complete testing in Year 6.In Years 9 and 10 students are introduced to the broad range of services available from the Careers Centre and they are encouraged to use this facility in planning for future studies or in preparing for entry to the workforce.The College also has a select entry Sporting Pathways Program. Students enter this program via an application process and successful completion of peak fitness and physio testing. The SPP program runs from year 7-10.Student achievement at the VCE and VM level is outstanding at Warrnambool College. An extensive range of units are offered from mainstream academic studies through to Vocational Education and Training courses in areas such as Automotive, Building, Community Services, Engineering, Electro technology, Beauty, Plumbing, and Hospitality.Our College recognises the diverse needs and aspirations of senior students and offers a curriculum that maximises their opportunity for entry into further studies, apprenticeships or career paths.A thorough careers counselling process is a feature of our school¿s program which is aimed at meeting the specific needs of each VCE student. Student success at the VCE level is a major objective of our College.The School operates numerous specialist academies for students to participate in (sport, drama, music, arts, cooking). These academies train regularly and compete at both local and state level.Students are encouraged to participate in additional College activities which include sport, instrumental music, Performing Arts, public speaking and debating, academic competitions and student leadership amongst others. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in extension programs which include work experience, camps and international language and cultural tours. The achievements of our students in academic, sporting and cultural endeavours have been widely recognised at local, state and national levels.Warrnambool College has developed a range of strategies to promote engagement, positive behaviour and respectful relationships for all students in our school. We acknowledge that some students may need extra social, emotional or educational support at school, and that the needs of students will change over time as they grow and learn. 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