Plan and conduct a range of enquiries, investigations and compliance monitoring activities pursuant to the legislation administered by this office, including the preparation of reports and briefs of evidence. Obtain comprehensive written statements and affidavits for use in legal proceedings.Undertake advanced case management which may include cross-agency or CAV-wide collaboration.Using authoritative application of knowledge and processes, drive aspects of an ongoing compliance program.Conveys specialist concepts, provide information to traders, community groups, consumers, employees of CAV and other parties as to the rights and obligations under the legislation administered by the office, including answering general enquiries from the public and constructively encouraging compliance.Within an integrated compliance framework, identify issues and make policy, legislative and enforcement recommendations, emerging from inquiries and investigations, as required.Prepare specialised correspondence on a range of (potentially) complex issues, including replies to Ministerial and Director’s correspondence.Certificate IV in Government (Investigations) or equivalent is essential.