Applications close Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 11.59PM Overview Work type: Part time Salary: Salary not specified Grade: Classroom Teacher Range 2 Occupation: Education and Training Location: Warragul Reference: Location Profile Neerim District Rural Primary School (No. 5394) was established in 1993 at 145 Nayook-Powelltown Road Nayook 3832 resulting from the merger of the (former) Nayook Primary School (No. 3227) and Neerim East Primary School (No. 3158). The school had been non-operational since the end of 2019 but was never formally closed. Following growing community interest, the Department of Education prepared the site for reopening on day 1 term 1 2025.Staffing consists of a teaching principal, one full-time teacher, 0.5 MHWL and a 0.5 Business Manager. The current enrolment for the school is 15.This is a unique educational setting where students enjoy a small student-centred environment in a beautiful heritage building with a range of learning spaces, extensive playground space, which is shared with a local playgroup. Students are creative independent thinkers. Parents are passionate about their school and the place it fills within their community.Neerim District Rural Primary School is located 124 kilometres southeast of Melbourne in Baw Baw Shire (West Gippsland). The next closest school is Neerim South Primary School, 12 kilometres away. Selection Criteria SC1: Demonstrated high level of knowledge of the relevant curriculum, including the ability to incorporate the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills. Demonstrated high level of ability to respond to student learning needs.SC2: Demonstrated high level of ability to plan for and implement high impact teaching strategies, guided by how students learn, and evaluate the impact of learning and teaching programs on student learning growth.SC3: Demonstrated high level of ability to monitor and assess student learning. Demonstrated high level of ability to use data to inform teaching practice and to provide feedback on student learning growth and achievement to students and parents.SC4: Demonstrated high level of interpersonal and communication skills. Demonstrated high level of ability to establish and maintain collaborative relationships with students, parents, colleagues and the broader school community to support student learning, agency, wellbeing and engagement.SC5: Demonstrated behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Demonstrated high level of ability to reflect upon practice and engage in professional learning to continually improve the quality of teaching. Role The Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System highlighted that primary schools provide opportunities to identify children with mental health and wellbeing challenges, who can then be referred to treatment, care and support.The Mental Health in Primary Schools initiative is being expanded to every government and low-fee non-government primary school in Victoria. Scaling up across the state from 2023, by 2026 every primary school will be able to employ a Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader to implement a whole-school approach to wellbeing.The Department of Education has been piloting the Mental Health in Primary Schools initiative in Victorian schools since 2020 in partnership with the Murdoch Children's Research Institute and the Faculty of Education at the University of Melbourne. Evaluation of this pilot initiative has shown that 95 per cent of Mental Health and Wellbeing Leaders consider the Mental Health in Primary Schools model has improved their school's capacity to support students' mental health and wellbeing needs.Participating schools receive funding to employ a Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader, a qualified teacher, to work across the school to implement a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing for students, staff and families based on a broad knowledge of the needs of the school community.The role of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader is to:Build capability of the whole school with regard to mental health and wellbeing (identification, promotion and prevention).Provide support to staff to better identify and support students with mental health needs.Establish clear pathways for referral for students requiring assessment and intervention, and monitor and evaluate student progress.The role provides a proactive focus for the promotion and prevention of mental health and wellbeing through assessment and implementation of context-relevant programs, approaches and initiatives based on a broad and extensive knowledge of the needs of the school.The Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader role is not a clinical role and is not designed for direct intervention. The role is seen as a key conduit in creating referral pathways once a teacher or other staff member identifies a concern in the classroom.Mental Health and Wellbeing Leaders are provided training in mental health literacy, supporting emerging needs, and building school capacity and receive ongoing support and professional development through structured and regular Learning Communities Training developed and facilitated by the Faculty of Education at University of Melbourne, supported by Murdoch Children's Research Institute. Responsibilities Operating in collaboration with their school, leadership and wellbeing team where relevant, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader will:Promote a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing to students, staff and families.Support teachers and school staff to expand their capacity to embed evidence-based mental health strategies, interventions and programs and build mental health literacy to identify and support primary school students with mental health concerns.Collaborate with school staff to inform, influence and provide input into teaching and learning relating to mental health and wellbeing. Provide support to school staff and classroom teachers to build their capabilities to embed mental health into the classroom.Work with school leadership and wellbeing teams to embed whole school approaches to mental health into school planning and strategic processes. Coordinate clear referral pathways internally (within school) and externally (to community services) for students identified as requiring further assessment and intervention.Proactively work with and support regional staff, school wellbeing and leadership teams, teachers, parents/carers and other external agencies to coordinate targeted mental health support for primary school students.Contribute to the school's existing wellbeing team. Who May Apply Teachers currently registered or eligible for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching and qualified to teach and/or have demonstrated experience in the curriculum area(s) specified for the position. EEO AND OHS Commitment Applicants seeking part-time employment are encouraged to apply for any teaching service position and, if they are the successful candidate, request a reduced time fraction. Such requests will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to the operational requirements of the school.The Department of Education is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, and diversity and inclusion for all. We value diversity and inclusion in all forms - gender, religion, ethnicity, LGBTIQ+, disability and neurodiversity. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for roles within the Department. The Department recognises that the provision of family friendly, supportive, safe and harassment-free workplaces is essential to high performance and promotes flexible work, diversity and safety across all schools and Department workplaces. Child Safe Standards Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards. All schools have a Child Safety Code of Conduct consistent with the department's exemplar available at: Conditions of Employment All staff employed by the Department and schools have access to a broad range of employment conditions and working arrangements.Appointment of successful applicants will be made subject to a satisfactory pre-employment conditions check.A probationary period may apply during the first year of employment and induction and support programs provided.Detailed information on all terms and conditions of employment is available on the Department's Human Resources website at Department's Human Resources. VIT LANTITE To be eligible for employment, transfer or promotion in the principal or teacher class a person must have provisional or full registration from the Victorian Institute of Teaching. In addition, from 3 August 2020, to be eligible for employment in the principal class or teacher class, a person who graduated from a Victorian Initial Teacher Education program after 1 July 2016, must demonstrate that they have passed the literacy and numeracy test for initial teacher education (LANTITE) requirements. This condition is satisfied where the LANTITE requirement is part of the Victorian Initial Teacher Education program completed by the person.Applications close Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 11.59PM