Please complete to Apply for Support Worker - Dubbo Community Supports [ Casual / Temp ] [ Casual Positions Available ]
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Please either Attach or Copy & Paste or Link To a combined Covering Letter and Resume Attach / Upload a File Copy & Paste or Type it in Link to a File Online Choose file or Drag & Drop File here
Allowed File Types: doc, docx, htm, html, mdi, pub, pdf, wps, txt Max Size 2.0Mb Work Hours Availability: Please help us understand the hours you are available to work. This does not necessarily mean we will expect you to work all the hours we need covered or that you indicate, as the role may be flexible, shift-based or shared with other employees.
Where your availability differs predictably from week to week, select Fortnightly or Every four weeks to give us your best estimate.
Set the Hours you are Available to Work Click any box on the grid to highlight it. Click and drag to highlight multiple boxes.
Please be sure to highlight a box for every hour… not just start and finish hours
Salary Expectations Please indicate your Salary Expectations per Hour in Dollars [excluding Superannuation]
$ per
Please check the Job Advertisement for any other package details. Where work is part-time, please enter your actual salary expectations [not a full time equivalent salary]
Recent Work Experience Please tell us about your Recent Work - list all your Jobs in the past 2 years or list your last 2 Jobs
I'm new to the workforce
Job Title:
From: To:
Main Reason for Leaving:
I can provide a Referee from this Employer who will attest to my skills and attributes
Education and Qualifications Please tell us about your Education - list your Education and Qualifications
Video Response Please record a single 5 minute video in response to the following questions…
Please can you describe a time when you had to deal with a challenging customer request/situation. What actions did you take to manage the situation and what was the outcome?
Please can you describe a time when you have had to deal with a sensitive scenario. What was the scenario? What did you do? What was the result?
Final Application Questions Please can you answer these questions before sending your application…
Do you hold a Certificate IV in Disability or similar qualification? Yes No
Do you have a current Australian Drivers Licence? Yes No
Do you have an International Licence? Yes No
Have you worked in the Community Services sector previously? Yes No
Are you able to work day shifts on a rotating basis? Yes No
Are you able to work weekend shifts on a rotating basis? Yes No
Do you acknowledge that this role may require you to work at different sites across the service from time to time? Yes No
Are you willing to provide personal care and support with hygiene to clients if and when required? Yes No
This role may require administering medication to clients, would you be comfortable doing this? Yes No
This role may require you to assist clients with in home supports on weekends, afternoons and night time shifts. Are you willing to do this? Yes No
It is an inherent requirement under legislation that an applicant must be 18 years or older in which to successfully obtain a Working With Children Check (NSW) or Blue Card (QLD). Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes No
Are you willing to undergo a National Police Check prior to commencing in the role if you are the successful candidate? Yes No
Do you have an NDIS workers screening check or have the willingness to obtain one before commencing this role? Yes No
Do you hold a NSW Paid Working With Children Check (NSW) or Paid Blue Card (QLD) or have the willingness to obtain prior to commencing this role? Yes No
Do you hold valid rights to work in Australia? Yes No
Are you required by a visa condition or other conditions to work a certain amount of hours per week or fortnight? Yes No
Do you have full COVID vaccination status? Yes No
Do you have a first Aid or have the willingness to get one before you commence? Yes No
Do you live within a 25km radius of the specified location? Yes No
This question is not mandatory, but if you would like to answer this question please do so.
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander? Yes No
Privacy: Your details go only to Challenge Community Services… nowhere else