: Open to Everyone
1. Central Adelaide Local Health Network
2. Contemporary, visionary and inspirational leader
3. Committed to shaping world class care and world class research
4. Proven achievement leading a complex, large scale multi-disciplinary health service
Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) is SouthAustralia’s largest health network covering almost 30% of thepopulation. With a dedicated workforce of over 15,000 and budget of~$2.2 billion, the organisation contributes strongly to the healthand wellbeing of the community it serves.
It achieves this by providing an extensive range of services,including the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital,Adelaide Dental Hospital, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, GlensideAcute and Community Mental Health Services, Repat Health Precinct,Community Health Services and Statewide Clinical Support Services,including pathology, pharmacy, breast screen and medical imaging.In alignment with its strategic ambition CALHN also has an activepresence in the Adelaide BioMed City Precinct with a strong focuson research, quaternary services and education.
CALHN is at an important moment in its development as aneffective, modern healthcare provider. Important foundations havebeen laid and significant progress has been made on many goals andmeasures. However, there is still much to be done that will requirea sharp and sustained focus and a vision for the longer term andthat is why the CALHN Board are looking to appoint an experiencedChief Executive Officer to lead the next exciting and criticalphase of the organisations’ journey.
The broader range of skills, capabilities and attributes to beconsidered as an applicant for this significant leadership role aredetailed in the information pack via the HardyGroup website butsummarised as:
5. Strong leadership skills and a proven ability to motivate and inspire others to work together in teams towards agreed goals
6. Demonstrated achievement of outcomes in leading a complex multi-disciplinary health organisation in a climate of continuing challenge and change
7. Extensive understanding of the political and socio-economic sensitivities that impact on the planning, development, funding, delivery and management of health services and their implications.
8. Strong ethical framework to guide practice and decision-making
For a confidential discussion please contact Paul Inglefrom HardyGroup:
E: pingle@
M: +61 (0) 402 796 125
How To Apply:
The closing date for applications is Sunday 20th August2023.
The reference number to include in your application is H23_4570
Please submit your application via the HGwebsite here .
Note: Please use the online platform to submit yourapplication. It will not be accepted via email.
If you require assistance in submitting your application online,please contact Executive Search Coordinator,
Rebecca Fischle via rfischle@/+61 (0) 403 224 716
Your application must include:
9. Cover letter addressed to the Principal Consultant;
10. A written response addressing the key selection criteria of page 8 of the Candidate Information Document
11. An up-to-date copy of your Curriculum Vitae