Please complete to Apply for Youth Support Worker ( New South Wales - (Bathurst) Part-time Permanent )
Application Process
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Please attach, link to, or copy & paste your Resume
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Work Hours Availability
Please help us understand the hours you are available to work. This does not necessarily mean we will expect you to work all the hours we need covered or that you indicate, as the role may be flexible, shift-based or shared with other employees.
Where your availability differs predictably from week to week, select Fortnightly or Every four weeks to give us your best estimate.
Set the Hours you are Available to Work
Click any box on the grid to highlight it. Click and drag to highlight multiple boxes.
Please be sure to highlight a box for every hour … not just start and finish hours.
Salary Expectations
Please indicate your Salary Expectations per Hour in Dollars ( excluding Superannuation)
Please check the Job Advertisement for any other package details. Where work is part-time, please enter your actual salary expectations ( not a full time equivalent salary)
Recent Work Experience
Please tell us about your Recent Work - list all your Jobs in the past 3 years or list your last 3 Jobs
I'm new to the workforce
Job Title:
From: To:
Main Reason for Leaving:
I can provide a Referee from this Employer who will attest to my skills and attributes.
Education and Qualifications
Please tell us about your Education - list your Education and Qualifications
Application Questions
Please answer the following questions before sending your application:
Do you have any relevant qualifications that pertain to this position? Yes No
Do you have any previous experience that directly relates to this position? Yes No
Do you hold, or, are you willing to obtain a current NDIS Worker Screening Check? Yes No
Are you willing to obtain a paid NSW Working with Children Check? Yes No
Are you willing to be registered on the Residential Care Workers Register? Yes No
Do you hold a current Australian or International Driver's Licence (Probationary/Unrestricted)? Yes No
Do you have the right to work in Australia? Yes No
Do you declare that you can undertake the physical requirements of the role? (such as but not limited to sit, stand, lift, bend, kneel, crouch, squat, hand manipulation, reaching, rotation of upper and lower body etc.) Yes No
Do you declare that you can undertake the psychological requirements of the role? (such as but not limited to working in a challenging environment or palliative care needs, helping others without judgement, being compassionate and understanding, working with challenging behaviours, ability to work with direction and accept feedback etc.) Yes No
Kirinari supports customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please confirm that you are able to work at least 2 weekend days and 2 sleep over/active nights per fortnight. Yes No
Are you committed to supporting customers on their bad days as well as their good days? Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have a strong participant focus? Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have used participant enabling techniques in your delivery of care services? Yes No
Have you lived overseas in the past 10 years for 12 months or more? Yes No
Do you hold a Work Visa? Yes No
Do you have a declarable conflict of interest if you were successful for employment with Kirinari Community Services? (Relationship with family or friends, staff recruitment, work activities outside of KCS, personal relationship with internal and/or external parties, financial interests, disposal of assets, gifts/benefits, provision of external consultancy services, procurement of goods and services etc.) Yes No
Have you previously worked for Kirinari Community Services? Yes No
Privacy: Your details go only to Kirinari Community Services… nowhere else.