Location Profile Wyndham Central College is located in a high growth corridor, approximately 20 minutes west of Melbourne and caters for students in Years 7 to 12 across the Wyndham district. Recent data sets in key areas have demonstrated significant improvement in line with the goals and targets identified in the previous Strategic Plan and reflect the dedication and commitment by the staff. The Staff at Wyndham Central are committed to delivering a rigorous guaranteed and viable curriculum enhanced by the AVID program that aims to prepare students by developing a set of strategies to support their learning and chosen pathway. The college programs are innovative and challenging and include a 7-10 Enrichment and VHAP program, 7-10 Spanish Immersion Program (SIP), the 9-10 STEM Academy and our flagship schoolwide program AVID. The college is the first school in Australia to achieve certification as an AVID school and are currently recognized as Australia¿s first secondary Site of Distinction. To further complement the academic program all students are provided with a Careers Action Plan (CAP), and a learning plan from Year 7 that requires commitment, reflection and regular consultation between student, teacher and parents/carers. This three-way partnership is crucial to the successful progress of all of the students at Wyndham Central College and is supported by an extensive tutor advocate and pastoral support program. Underpinning the educational improvement plan the College has modern facilities including a Trade Training Centre, a designated Year 7 Centre, Year 8 & 9 Centre, a Year 10 Community and a Senior Years Centre. Dedicated content learning environments for the performing and visual arts, Science and STEM and Gymnasium and sporting facilities. Complementing the whole school buildings is the extensive active/passive landscaping plan and recreational outdoor plan, a student centered study and student services building. <