Web Volunteer Job NameGeneral maintenance and help with mustering!
Job NumberJOB-1032
Volunteer Job NameGeneral maintenance and help with mustering!
Skills NeededHousehold duties/cooking
Fixing fences
Working with animals
Busy farmers who constantly have their hands full are desperately seeking any assistance to help get back on their feet. The husband suffers from chronic back pain which limits his work capacity leaving his wife to pick up on the tasks that cannot be completed. She has since rehabilitated a broken foot, so has been set even further behind on jobs around the property.
Some jobs include:
* Fencing
* De-cluttering
* Whipper Snipping
* General household cleaning
* Handling stock
* Cleaning accommodation
* Support during mustering
There are many jobs that need to be done that will suit any ability and no prior experience or knowledge is needed to make a difference here!
DATES: ASAP/Flexible
ACCOMMODATION: Bring Your Own or Stay in spare living quarters
DURATION: 7-14 Days/Flexible
Job StatusOpen
Location CityNYMAGEE
Location State/ProvinceNSW
Location Zip/Postal Code