Greatness starts here - About the Victims Assistance Program (VAP) VAP is a critical part of the state-wide response to all victims of crime.
It is a voluntary, confidential, and free service which is funded by the Victorian Government Department of Justice and Community Safety.
The aim of the VAP is to assist victims by providing an accessible service where victims are listened to, informed, and empowered in their pathway to recovery.
It provides practical assistance, advocacy, case management support and access to a range of services, including engagement with the criminal justice system and helping victims recover from the impact of the crime.
About the opportunity : The position sits within the Mental Health, Family Violence, Communities and Families Directorate.
The role was created in recognition of the importance of having family violence specialists within VAP services to provide best practice support for victims of family violence, as well as enabling secondary consultation for non-specialist family violence workers within VAPs to further support their work with victims The Family Violence Practice Lead offers specialist responses to victims of crime, including intake assessment, risk management, care planning, brief intervention, case management, and community education.
In this role, you will demonstrate the following.
Proven capacities to work effectively with people impacted by family violence, including male victims and their children; Demonstrated capacity to conduct risk assessments using the MARMM framework and safety planning for women and children and understanding of the FVISS and the CISS.
High-Level understanding of the impact of trauma and ability to use trauma-informed practice interventions; Providing cultural safe and non-judgemental space for clients; A good understanding of non-collusive practice and identifying predominant aggressors; Well-developed capacity for assessment and formulation of case plans that are client centred using strength-based approach; High level of collaborating with stakeholders who are engaged with the client and proactive in setting care team meetings; A sensitivity to and understanding of clients' needs from diverse backgrounds.
Additional information can be obtained from the attached position description.
Bring your great, everyday!
DPV Health is looking for candidates with: Working with Children's Check (WWCC) Victoria Police Check Current Victorian Driver's License Hold a Bachelor of Social Work, Eligible for membership of AASW OR at least 5 years relevant experience and be working towards meeting recommendation 209 – social work degree The fine print Fixed Term to 30/06/2026, Part Time 0.7EFT Successful candidates will be required to undergo a National Police Check, hold a valid WWCC To view a copy of the Position Description, please click here Our Talent Experience To apply please click here, and provide your resume along with a covering letter, addressed to Jamie Guerrieri, detailing your motivation for joining DPV Health and highlighting the qualities you bring to this position, as well as providing a brief statement addressing the 'Key Selection Criteria' outlined in the position description.
For any questions please contact Jamie Guerrieri ****** Make your next move, a great one!
Click Apply now below!
While we're reviewing your application, get to know us by visiting our website and on social media to explore how you can #bringyourgreateveryday.
DPV Health is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to ensuring we have an inclusive, diverse and safe workplace for our staff and clients.
To us diversity means people of any age, family situation, cultural and linguistic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical sex characteristics, ability or disability, health, life experience, socio-economic situation, faith, spirituality and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background.
We encourage all individuals to apply.
To learn about the assistance we can offer during the recruitment process, your potential work environment, access features of a location, or if you require alternative formats to our process please contact ****** We will not be accepting applications from agencies for this position.