Position Information
Kurri Kurri High School is a proud local high school that has serviced the local area since 1956. Many families have generational patronage to the high school and strong local links to community continue to offer opportunities to students. 80 staff support the school with the academic, social and emotional development of the young people in our care. The school has a population of 931 in 2023 and has 9 support classes in Kuta Kaya. The school has a dedicated Study Centre that services the 190 students who proudly identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. The centre also caters for senior students who enjoy the longer opening hours for support with assessments and study time. The school's tagline is 'creating futures'. The unique nature of the school architecture centres around the creation of a staged approach to learning. HUB learning, global citizenship and future pathways define the stages of learning as the blue print for student learning and success. The school works in partnership with Big Picture Education Australia to create a new blueprint for schooling in our Big Picture Academy. We are a BYOD school with a strong digital landscape with the use of CANVAS to shape online, blended and flexible learning opportunities. Student agency through SRC, Interact and Junior AECG help to make the decisions of the school in improvements and ways of thinking, learning and working.