Position Information
Denison College of Secondary Education, Bathurst High Campus, is a comprehensive high school, Years 7 to 12. It has an enrolment of 939 and is inclusive of 12% Aboriginal students, 6% NESB and a large Support Unit. Along with its college partner school Kelso High Campus, an innovative structure offers cross Campus senior curriculum and enhanced learning opportunities for students in all years. The outstanding success of the College is attributed to a strong, collaborative culture of shared leadership, vision and understanding. Bathurst High is steeped in a rich and proud history and is highly engaged in and committed to the strong partnerships forged with the school and wider communities. Bathurst High Campus is focused on a culture of learning that caters for individual student excellence and wellbeing so that all students become good citizens and leaders. The school has a relentless focus on building teacher capacity through extensive, planned professional learning and increasing achievement for all students.