Chaffey Secondary College is located in Mildura Victoria, which is 545 kilometres from Melbourne.
The purpose of Chaffey Secondary College is to grow all of our young people academically, socially, and emotionally, to be proud of themselves, the school, and the community in a safe and inclusive environment. This is achieved through our values of Respect, Inclusion, Pride and Responsibility (RIPR).
Chaffey has a student population in 2024 of approximately 700 students in Years 7 - 10.
This position provides the opportunity for a teacher to join our team in 2025 and beyond. Our college continues to grow and we have a number structures in place to support new and beginning teachers throughout the year and long-term. New and beginning teachers are well-supported through our induction program and in an ongoing capacity in their teaching and professional development. Learning specialists, curriculum-based teams, and sub-school structures provide a range of supports for all teachers.
The college is incredibly well-resourced with outstanding facilities, including MacBooks and iPads in all classes, a 180-seat theatre, a two-court gymnasium, a training room, and extensive grounds that offer outdoor basketball courts, exercise circuits, and a park warrior challenge course, along with our new multi-use surface which includes 6 tennis courts and a hockey pitch. Chaffey Secondary College also has a farm that is used to run the Northern Mallee Horticulture Immersion Program and Hands on Learning Program.
Chaffey Secondary College is a Musical Futures International Champion School and one of 35 accredited S.E.A.L. (Select Entry Accelerated Learning) schools in Victoria, and the only S.E.A.L. school in north-west Victoria.
Additional programs are provided to meet the learning needs of students with disabilities, students from diverse backgrounds, students requiring academic extension, and students requiring literacy and numeracy intervention.
Key Selection Criteria:
SC1: Demonstrated knowledge of the relevant curriculum, including the ability to incorporate the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills. Demonstrated experience in responding to student learning needs.
SC2: Demonstrated experience in planning for and implementing high impact teaching strategies, guided by how students learn, and evaluating the impact of learning and teaching programs on student learning growth.
SC3: Demonstrated experience in monitoring and assessing student learning. Demonstrated experience in using data to inform teaching practice and providing feedback on student learning growth and achievement to students and parents.
SC4: Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills. Demonstrated experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with students, parents, colleagues, and the broader school community to support student learning, agency, wellbeing, and engagement.
SC5: Demonstrated behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Demonstrated experience in reflecting upon practice and engaging in professional learning to continually improve the quality of teaching.
The classroom teacher classification comprises two salary ranges- range 1 and range 2. The primary focus of the classroom teacher is on the planning, preparation, and teaching of programs to achieve specific student outcomes. The classroom teacher engages in critical reflection and inquiry in order to improve knowledge and skills to effectively engage students and improve their learning.
As the classroom teacher gains experience, their contribution to the school program beyond the classroom increases. All classroom teachers may be required to undertake other duties in addition to their rostered teaching duties provided the responsibility is appropriate to the salary range, qualifications, training, and experience of the teacher.
The role of classroom teacher may include but is not limited to:
Direct teaching of groups of students and individual students;
Contributing to the development, implementation, and evaluation of a curriculum area or other curriculum program within the school;
Undertaking other classroom teaching related and organisational duties as determined by the School Principal;
Participating in activities such as parent/teacher meetings; staff meetings; camps and excursions;
Undertaking other non-teaching supervisory duties.
Who May Apply
Teachers currently registered or eligible for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching and qualified to teach and/or have demonstrated experience in the curriculum area(s) specified for the position.
Child Safe Standards
Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards.
Thank you for your interest in this vacancy at Chaffey Secondary College.
Applicants are asked to ensure their application includes (preferably uploaded as one PDF document):
Letter of introduction,
Detailed CV, including details of three (3) current referees, names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses (Most recent employer is preferred), and
A response to each of the key selection criteria.
Daytime phone numbers are vital to make appointments for an interview in the event that you are shortlisted.
A copy of your current Victorian Institute of Teaching card will be required if successful.