Chief Executive Officer - Disability Rights Advocacy Service IncThe CEO is responsible to the Disability Rights Advocacy Service Incorporated (DRAS) Board of Management for the day-to-day operational functions of DRAS and the programs funded by the Commonwealth Government under that banners, NDAP, NDIS Appeals, ICB, and the day-to-day operational functions of DRAS Legal, a service providing legal assistance to people with lived experience of disability.LEADERSHIPProvide high level strategic advice and to the Board to support its governance role and to promote informed decision-making.Establish and maintain an organisational culture and systems for promoting quality services and continuous improvement.Ensure the development, adherence, monitoring and revision of organisational policies and procedures.Formulate and ensure the implementation of strategic and annual work plans that are linked to achieving the DRAS’ mission, organisational goals and contractual requirements.Formulate, implement and revise agency structures, systems and processes that contribute to achieving organisational goals.Consult with the DRAS Board to initiate reforms where necessary.Provide the Board with informed advice concerning current and potential issues likely to impact DRAS and its operations. Develop and implement a Risk Management Plan to eliminate or reduce risks.Identify funding opportunities and submit grant applications in line with DRAS’ mission and corporate goals.Undertake regular reviews of DRAS and DRAS Legal or specific operational areas to enhance outputs / outcomes and ensuring corporate goals.OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENTDevelopment of accountability and evaluation of tasks for DRAS and DRAS Legal to monitor the operational efficiency and achievement of key performance measures as required by funding bodies for the successful delivery of funded programs and projects.Implement and maintain an organisation-wide quality assurance/ continuous improvement program and risk mitigation plan.Identify the scope of data and information critical for performance management and establish and maintain a data management system for each key organisational activity required to monitor service delivery of DRAS and DRAS Legal. Ensure reliability, consistency, and standardisation of data across both areas of service delivery.Ensure the preparation of performance reports relative to the service delivery of DRAS and DRAS Legal to be delivered to the DRAS Board of Management at each Board meeting and an Annual Report for the Association.Update and inform the DRAS Board of Management in regular meetings, notifying the Board of Management of all operational changes and major spending.Ensure that DRAS and DRAS Legal produce and maintain web-based technologies that enhance its operational capabilities.Identify current and potential client requirements, including feedback techniques that measure client satisfaction and use this information for decision making and planning.Negotiate and monitor contractual agreements, including lease and grant agreements for all premises occupied by DRAS and DRAS Legal. Comply with practice procedures, operational guidelines and accountability checks as set within such agreements.Ensure the maintenance of an asset register and implement a program for maintaining / upgrading equipment.Conform to relevant State / Federal legislation including Work Health Safety Act, Equal Opportunity Act, Corporate Affairs Act and other mandatory requirements.Perform the roles of the Public Officer, WH&S Officer, Privacy Officer and Complaints Officer.Ensure that DRAS identifies and outlines its organisational performance through its Annual Report and other accountability documents.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTDevelop, apply and revise HR policies and personnel practices.Manage the direction and supervision of DRAS’ HR policies and practices.Ensure staff have access to professional advice and other guidance as needed.Formulate staff performance plans and create KPIs to achieve DRAS’ strategic/ annual work goal and contracted targets.Manage performance through staff meetings and annual staff appraisals. Use appraisals to promote professional development opportunities.Prepare job specifications, employment contracts and working conditions in line with relevant industrial agreements.Oversee the recruitment of all new employees engaged by DRAS and DRAS Legal and ensure effective staff induction and performance planning.Implement actions such as staff meetings, virtual conferencing etc to enhancing the effectiveness of internal communication.SERVICE PROVISIONManage the funded programs of DRAS and DRAS Legal, regional services and the objectives of the organisation in South Australia.Enhance the capacity of DRAS and DRAS Legal to advocate for and provide associated services to people with disabilities, their families and carers at the local, State and Federal level.Ensure that legislative, policy and program changes take into consideration the rights and interests of the DRAS clients.Develop and maintain strategies (eg client reference groups) to inform disabled South Australians.Ensure DRAS undertakes and/ or participates in research that identifies gaps, discrimination and disadvantages faced by disabled South Australians.Promote DRAS’ participation in Regional, State and National groups that can advance people with a disability, their families and carers.Develop and implement education information packages for political, departmental and statutory agencies and other relevant bodies in relation to issues which impact on disabled South Australians.Provide informed policy advice to Local, State and Federal Governments and key agencies in relation to disabled South Australians.Implement strategies that promote a positive image of people with a disability in the community.PERSON SPECIFICATIONSRelevant tertiary qualifications and / or equivalent.Has managed teams across multiple programs and or locations.Demonstrated ability to implement, manage and report on budgets.Demonstrated leadership skills in managing an organisation including managing staff and change within the organisation.Demonstrated interpersonal skills to work with a range of people including the disabled, indigenous people, various cultures and non-English speaking people.Demonstrated ability to identify and negotiate funding opportunities and to prepare high quality funding applications.In-depth understanding and experience of the legal obligations and the required reporting requirements for funding bodies and for charities.Sound knowledge of the social services sector and agencies supporting people with a disability.Ability to use modern technologies (Microsoft Office, MYOB, cloud-based data storage and retrieval programs and client reporting databases) to support service functions.Sound knowledge of the disability sector.Please submit a CV and covering letter addressing key components of the Job Description and Person Specifications, no more than three (3) pages.Any inquiries in relation to this position please email and insert CEO - DRAS in the subject line. Applications close COB Friday 8 November 2024 and late applications will not be accepted.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview with the interviews being conducted by the DRAS Board.