Lowanna is a vibrant and well-resourced Victorian Government 7-12 Secondary College with a student population of just less than one thousand. It is situated in a large, attractive setting adjacent to bushland in the township of Newborough. Lowanna College is the only secondary school in the Moe-Newborough community drawing enrolments from the local area and outlying rural townships. Newborough is approximately 130 kilometres east of central Melbourne located in picturesque central Gippsland. The area is surrounded by rolling hills and is only an hour's drive to the snowfields of Mt Baw Baw and the beaches of South Gippsland. The region offers a wide variety of sporting activities and facilities such as golf, basketball, soccer, mountain bike riding and water skiing. The College staffing profile consists of:PrincipalLearning Specialists (4)Business Manager53.8 EFT teaching staff The College is divided into three mini schools of between 300-400 students: Junior School - Years 7 & 8, Middle School -Years 9 &10, and Senior School - Years 11 & 12. Each is managed by a team consisting of a Leading Teacher, a Student Advocate, a Student Support Officer, and an administrative assistant who, in conjunction with all staff, are focused on the education and wellbeing of every student. The College boasts modern facilities set in a pleasant learning and teaching environment. The College has a large Auditorium, a 2-court Gymnasium, a Language Centre, a purpose-built Year 12 Centre, and an onsite Wellbeing Centre for reengaging students at risk and for those who have a range of personal issues. Lowanna offers a wide and varied curriculum and access to a vast array of extra-curricular activities that enhance student learning and sets the College apart from other schools in the area. The curriculum includes a core program for Junior School students, a core and elective program for Middle School students, and multiple options for Senior School students with VCE, VCAL, and VETi S. Year 10 students are able to accelerate their learning by accessing the full range of VCE subjects in Year 10. Students are provided with a stimulating and enriched learning environment where the Arts, Science, Technology, Physical Education, and Food subjects are all key components in a student's learning. Further intertwined with the academic subjects are Lowanna's Sports Excellence Program, a newly developing Music Excellence Program, a growing International Program, and a long-standing Outdoor Education Program. Lowanna has been instrumental in assisting with the development of the Gippsland Technical College that provides all students from Lowanna and other Latrobe Valley Schools with exposure to innovative resources and technology. Students at all year levels have access to this school. As well as offering two languages, Italian and Indonesian, the college also has an established relationship with Melbourne University and the Confucius Classroom, hosting a Chinese teacher who works at Lowanna and local primary schools. Lowanna has strong ongoing partnerships with Monash University, Federation University, and Federation Training. Students participate in a variety of programs from Year 7 to 12 that enable them to gain insights into numerous pathways. The College has close links with the other secondary schools in the Latrobe Valley. In 2014, this group collectively established the Latrobe Valley Flexible Learning Option (LVFLO). The campus is designed to reengage students in their schooling and move back into the secondary school environment. The entire Lowanna staff team work diligently to continue to improve outcomes for students and to maintain a strong sense of community within the College. Selection Criteria SC1 Demonstrated knowledge of the relevant curriculum, including the ability to incorporate the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills. Demonstrated experience in responding to student learning needs. SC2 Demonstrated experience in planning for and implementing high impact teaching strategies, guided by how students learn, and evaluating the impact of learning and teaching programs on student learning growth. SC3 Demonstrated experience in monitoring and assessing student learning. Demonstrated experience in using data to inform teaching practice and providing feedback on student learning growth and achievement to students and parents. SC4 Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills. Demonstrated experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with students, parents, colleagues, and the broader school community to support student learning, agency, wellbeing, and engagement. SC5 Demonstrated behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Demonstrated experience in reflecting upon practice and engaging in professional learning to continually improve the quality of teaching. Role The classroom teacher classification comprises two salary ranges- range 1 and range 2. The primary focus of the classroom teacher is on the planning, preparation, and teaching of programs to achieve specific student outcomes. The classroom teacher engages in critical reflection and inquiry in order to improve knowledge and skills to effectively engage students and improve their learning. As the classroom teacher gains experience his or her contribution to the school program beyond the classroom increases. All classroom teachers may be required to undertake other duties in addition to their rostered teaching duties provided the responsibility is appropriate to the salary range, qualifications, training, and experience of the teacher.Classroom teacher Range 2Range 2 classroom teachers play a significant role in assisting the school to improve student performance and educational outcomes determined by the school strategic plan and state-wide priorities and contributing to the development and implementation of school policies and priorities. A critical component of this work will focus on increasing the knowledge base of staff within their school about student learning and high-quality instruction to assist their school to define quality teacher practice. Range 2 classroom teachers will be expected to:- Have the content knowledge and pedagogical practice to meet the diverse needs of all students- Model exemplary classroom practice and mentor/coach other teachers in the school to engage in critical reflection of their practice and to support staff to expand their capacity- Provide expert advice about the content, processes, and strategies that will shape individual and school professional learning- Supervise and train one or more student teachers- Assist staff to use student data to inform teaching approaches that enable targets related to improving student learning outcomes to be achieved.Classroom teacher Range 1The primary focus of the range 1 classroom teacher is on further developing skills and competencies to become an effective classroom practitioner with structured support and guidance from teachers at higher levels and the planning, preparation, and teaching of programs to achieve specific student outcomes. These teachers teach a range of students/classes and are accountable for the effective delivery of their programs. Range 1 classroom teachers are skilled teachers who operate under general direction within clear guidelines following established work practices and documented priorities and may have responsibility for the supervision and training of one or more student teachers. At range 1, teachers participate in the development of school policies and programs and assist in the implementation of school priorities.The focus of a range 1 classroom teacher is on classroom management, subject content, and teaching practice. New entrants to the teaching profession in their initial teaching years receive structured support, mentoring, and guidance from teachers at higher levels. Under guidance, new entrants to the teaching profession will plan and teach student groups in one or more subjects and are expected to participate in induction programs and other professional learning activities that are designed to ensure the integration of curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy across the school. Teachers at range 1 are responsible for teaching their own classes and may also assist and participate in policy development, project teams, and the organisation of co-curricular activities. Responsibilities The role of classroom teacher may include but is not limited to:Direct teaching of groups of students and individual students;Contributing to the development, implementation, and evaluation of a curriculum area or other curriculum program within the school;Undertaking other classroom teaching related and organisational duties as determined by the School Principal;Participating in activities such as parent/teacher meetings; staff meetings; camps and excursions;Undertaking other non-teaching supervisory duties. Who May Apply Teachers currently registered or eligible for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching and qualified to teach and/or have demonstrated experience in the curriculum area(s) specified for the position. EEO AND OHS Commitment Applicants seeking part-time employment are encouraged to apply for any teaching service position and, if they are the successful candidate, request a reduced time fraction. Such requests will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to the operational requirements of the school.. click apply for full job details