Create a free Lawyers Weekly Jobs accountProfessional Indemnity & Commercial Litigation LawyerNEW ROLE; rewarding 25-40% bonus; no strict adherence to timesheets/billings required; 50:50% comm lit/prof indemnity; top-tier partners; 4-6 yearsClaims against Barristers, Accountants and financial advisers25-40% bonusSkills & experience:Will be a Professional Indemnity & Commercial Litigation Lawyer at the 4-6 year level who enjoys both areas equally.Your new role:Your team includes Professional Indemnity experts, so you will be able to split your work undertaking both, or one or the other (depending upon your preference).The Professional Indemnity work will see you advise insurers and London underwriters in connection with claims against accountants, barristers, financial advisers, geotechnical engineers, private certifiers, structural engineers, agronomical advisers, valuers and quantity surveyors in relation to a broad range of litigated and unlitigated claims.Strong and rewarding bonus potential; and no strict adherence to timesheets/billings required.To find out more about these opportunities, please contact in strictest confidence Belinda Fisher at 9216 9016 or 0419 238 458.
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