Location ProfileStrathfieldsaye Primary School is located ten kilometres from the centre of Bendigo in a unique rural setting bounded by high quality community and recreational facilities. Our school endeavours to develop independent, confident children by providing learning experiences that promote the pursuit of individual excellence across all areas of the school curriculum.At February 2024 census, the school had a total of 538.4 enrolments and 49.6 staff, consisting of 36.5 teaching staff (including 3 principal class) and 13.1 ES staff, who provide a broad range of experiences and skills from first year graduates to very experienced teachers and dedicated Education Support staff. Our specialist subjects include Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Physical Education, STEM, Digital Technologies, Library Literacy, and Chinese Language & Culture.The school is a modern teaching and learning facility, incorporating a comprehensive computer network to support the provision of information technologies. Flexible learning spaces are utilised in most areas of the school. The BER building provides an excellent space for whole school and community activities.Our play spaces incorporate an oval, three large adventure playgrounds, two shade-cloth protected sand pits for junior students and covered basketball and netball courts. This area provides a venue for all weather outdoor physical education, sport and assembly purposes.Our school manages the Mandurang South Outdoor Education Centre and uses it as an extension to our inquiry curriculum programs. Experiences at this site help students develop their capabilities and learner attributes through outdoor activities and build their knowledge of the environment.The Department of Education's High Impact Teaching and Wellbeing Strategies define our pedagogical approach, and guide the development of our learning experiences, curriculum documentation and our assessment and reporting regime. The learner capabilities provide a strong statement about the skills, knowledge and learning dispositions that our students are encouraged to develop during their time with us. Within each of these focus areas, there are a set of learner characteristics which we endeavour to build with students.Our students have opportunities to share their voice and to lead their peers through a range of roles and initiatives including School and House Captains, Happy Active Healthy Kids Student Action Team, Junior School Council and Morning Circles, which are conducted regularly in classrooms to focus on problem solving and social skill development.Strathfieldsaye PS has a positive standing in the local and educational community. It is characterised by a commitment to sustainability, innovative learning and a calm and productive learning environment. The school is supported by an active School Council, Parent & Friends Team and by the wider community including local businesses and service clubs. We recognise the value of seeking and maintaining strong co