Principal Structural Engineer/Associate Director | Grow an officeON OFFER: Salary: Highly competitive package with bonuses/profit share/equity options availableCulture: You create your own / Establish and grow an office / Progressive national group / Highly supportive interstate leadersCareer paths: Progression to Director title / % of profit share for SA office / Shareholder optionsProject Diversity: Already established commercial portfolio / Local and interstate projects / Bring your own clients to the businessDirect mentorship: Immediate support from the company Founder / Highly capable interstate Technical DirectorsEnvironment: Create your own group / Highly collaborative teams interstate / Organised systems / Supportive leadersStability: $800M of local projects locked in / Loyal client base interstate / Progressive business development capabilitiesLOCATION: CBDA local network of Adelaide contacts is requiredPOSITION AVAILABLE: Principal/Associate Director10+ years experience in the Adelaide marketCPEng requiredDemonstrated network of Adelaide clientsExperience delivering major commercial buildings projects locallyProject management, client focused and ability to hire and build a teamCitizenship requiredTHE IDEAL CANDIDATES HAVE: A portfolio of major projects delivered in AdelaideClient contacts to bring to the tableCommercial acumen to chase and secure projectsAutonomous and proactive ability to build a brandHighly capable technical design and management skillsExcellent communication skills, a desire to lead a teamAdelaide continues to be a buoyant market. This client has secured $800M of projects without an Adelaide office in place. I have partnered with this outstanding consulting group for almost a decade and am excited to help them with this strategic hire. They can offer a once-in-a-career opportunity for anyone interested in the following:
Leadership opportunityBuild a brand and become the face of its Adelaide officeUncapped salary earningI'd love a chat to discuss your interest in this rare opportunity. All discussions will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Siobhan Barrett ****** 0414 622 689