Deputy Principal Secondary - Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School-00009KHX.
Sydney RegionAdvertisement NumberA900121340
Number of Positions
2Total Remuneration Package:Remuneration package valued at $169,880.00. This position attracts a base salary of $151,893.00, plus leave loading and employer's contribution to superannuation.School NameGranville South Creative and Performing Arts High SchoolPrincipal NetworkAuburnStaffing AreaGranvilleFTE1.000Contact NameJoumana YoussefContact Phone number98922654
Closing Date
05-Jul-2023, 2:00:00 AM
Job Category
TCH Other
Teaching ServicePosition Information
Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School (GSCAPAHS) is a community and partially selective school emphasising student engagement and success. Its motto is "Do Unto Others".
The school's main focus is on improving student learning outcomes through quality teaching practices underpinned by targeted whole school teacher professional learning. We are committed to developing a learning culture which emphasises critical thinking and ensures students develop self-discipline in their study habits.
Our wellbeing systems provide a safe, respectful and caring learning environment; encouraging personal excellence; promoting relevant learning experiences; and supporting student participation and success.
GSCAPAHS is in Guildford, Western Sydney, and has an enrolment of approximately 715 students including approximately 90% from language backgrounds other than English, from over 47 nationality backgrounds and 6 Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander students. It includes a Support Unit with 5 classes of mild and moderate intellectual disability, and a selective Creative and Performing Arts stream. GSCAPAHS is close to Holroyd and Chester Hill IEC's, with students transitioning to mainstream education from diverse backgrounds.
The 2022 FOIE is 195 and the school budget allocation includes Equity funding for Socio-Economic Background, English Language Proficiency and Low level Adjustment for Disability.
The school has been partially selective in the Creative and Performing Arts since 2012. Students audition for selection in dance, drama, music, visual arts or circus and undertake 5 hours of specialist extension workshops and ensembles per cycle in classes of students from Yr 7-12. Ensemble students make up about 15-20% of the student population. Ensemble students enter competitions, perform in festivals and support school events. An annual performance at Parramatta Riverside Theatre showcases the diverse talent of GSCAPAHS students.
GSCAPAHS is part of the Educational Pathways Program (EPP). This program is designed to introduce students to a range of vocational training and employment pathways. Program initiatives include: TAFE YES+ Program, Job Readiness Workshops and Apprenticeships and Traineeships Head Start.
GSCAPAHS runs programs supported by a range of groups including Granville Multicultural Community Centre, ABCN, Cumberland Council, Pasifika Achievement to Higher Education (PATHE), AusSip, The Smith Family, Community Migrant Resource Centre, PCYC, Granville TAFE, University of New South Wales, and Western Sydney University.
Specific Selection Criteria
In addition to the general selection criteria,
1. Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively as a highly visible member of a leadership team that promotes a culture of high expectations that is underpinned by evidence informed practice.
2. Demonstrated capacity and commitment to strengthen engagement of all students, including students with disability, complex and challenging behaviours and additional needs
3. Proactive leadership to further develop and sustain wellbeing initiatives that promote a strong positive culture, enhance student engagement and belonging and build authentic connections for all students.
4. Proven capacity to collaborate with; and lead, school teams that enhances collective staff efficacy that leads to school improvement and innovation.
5. Demonstrated capacity and experience in whole school planning and evaluations to inform practice and align to all aspects of the School Excellence Framework.
General Selection Criteria
1. Successful teaching experience with capacity to initiate improvement in teaching, learning and classroom practice
2. Knowledge of curriculum, assessment and student welfare with the ability to lead and design quality, inclusive teaching and learning programs
3. Educational leadership skills to build the capacity and manage the performance of individuals and teams
4. Well developed communication and interpersonal skills with the capacity to build relationships and engage students, staff and parents
5. Ability to plan and manage resources effectively and equitably to support teaching and learning
6. Knowledge of and commitment to the Department's Aboriginal education policies
An unconditional full approval to teach is a requirement. If you do not hold a full approval to teach with the NSW Department of Education, you are required to commence the at the same time as you apply for this teaching opportunity.
Special Notes