Association Manager – Central Coburg Business Association (CLOSED)
* To view the full Position Description including all of the below and more info on working conditions and the terms of employment, please view this document
* To apply for the position, please email your application to
* The application deadline is July 26, 2024.
Central Coburg Business Association is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced Association Manager to assist the Association, by coordinating and taking ownership of a range of administrative, governance, membership, advocacy, and business development activities to benefit our members and keep our incorporated business association compliant.
Central Coburg Business Association ( CCBA ) Inc. is an Incorporated Association, made up of business operators and property owners in the Central Coburg Shopping Precinct ( Central Coburg ). CCBA operates under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) and is regulated by Consumer Affairs Victoria. CCBA’s programs, activities and initiatives are overseen by a Committee of Management, with elections to the Committee of Management held each year at the CCBA Annual General Meeting.
The role of Central Coburg Business Association Manager (or, simply, Association Manager ) reports to the CCBA Committee of Management (the Committee ).
Merri-bek City Council ( Council ) operates a Special Charge Scheme under the Local Government Act and levies a ‘special charge’ on properties that are used, or reasonably capable of being used, for commercial, retail or professional purposes within the ‘Central Coburg Shopping Precinct Special Charge Scheme area’ (see Attachment 1 in the full position description ). The cost of the special charge varies across properties, based on seven tiers that are calculated based on the property’s capital improved value.
The Special Charge Scheme is administered by Council and CCBA, who act on Council’s behalf to expend the funds raised by the Scheme. The funds raised by the Special Charge are used for the purposes of promotional, advertising, marketing, business development and other incidental expenses, associated with the encouragement of commerce, retail, hospitality, and professional activity and employment in Central Coburg.
The Special Charge is collected by Council and paid to the CCBA in quarterly instalments as close as possible to the start of each quarter. This relationship and the Special Charge Scheme are defined and monitored through a funding agreement between the CCBA and Council; Central Coburg Shopping Precinct, Special Charge Scheme Funding Agreement – 1 October 2022 – 30 June 2027 .
The Association Manager, under direction from the Committee, manages all aspects of the CCBA programs and is responsible for the achievement of the specified objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs).
Days: 15 hours per week
Duration: 3 year contract with opportunity for extension (with 12 week probation period)
Salary: Hourly rate – depending on experience. ABN or ACN required.
Equipment: Phone and laptop to be provided by contractor.
Location: CCBA Office, Located at Schoolhouse Studios, 28 Victoria Street, Coburg 3058. Occasional remote working possible, terms to be agreed with CCBA Committee of Management. Face to face meetings required in Coburg on a regular basis.
The overriding objectives of the role are to:
* Support business development and increase customer spend within the Central Coburg Shopping Precinct, and
* Represent the needs of the local businesses, as directed by the CCBA Committee.
* Motivate traders, business operators and property owners to participate actively in the revitalisation of the Sydney Road, Coburg and the surrounding precinct, and to improve the look and service of their own properties on an ongoing basis.
* Help identify the overall strategic direction for Central Coburg and associated implementation approaches in collaboration with the CCBA Committee.
* Maintain a positive and collaborative relationship with Merri-bek City Council.
* Present to Council the active interest of businesses and to encourage Council’s support and co-operation for CCBA initiatives.
* Support existing businesses, and encourage new and ongoing local business investment.
* Help mobilise traders to help themselves and invest in developing their capabilities.
* Market Central Coburg as widely as possible, by working in partnership with the Marketing Manager to identify opportunities in accordance with agreed strategies and plans.
The primary functions of this position are:
* The implementation of the programs, activities and initiatives, and the achievement of the associated key performance indicators, as outlined within the CCBA – Strategic Plan 2023-2027;
* The monitoring and completion of the requirements set out within Central Coburg Shopping Precinct, Special Charge Scheme Funding Agreement – 1 October 2022 – 30 June 2027, with a focus on:
* Key Dates and Funding Agreement Requirements (Attachment 3);
* Central Coburg Special Charge – Reporting Checklist (Attachment 4);
* Central Coburg Special Charge Scheme – Proposed Quarterly Activities;
* Central Coburg Special Charge – Quarterly Report (Attachment 7);
* Central Coburg Special Charge – Quarterly Income and Expenditure Report (Attachment 8);
* Central Coburg Special Charge Scheme – Key Performance Indicators (Attachment 9).
The Association Manager (under direction from the Committee) manages all aspects of CCBA programs and is responsible for achieving the specified objectives and KPIs.
Interested applicants should reach out to Ray Jacobs at for more information on the above requirements set out within the Central Coburg Shopping Precinct, Special Charge Scheme Funding Agreement.
To achieve these objectives and KPIs, the Association Manager will be required to:
* Coordinate the activities of the Committee and subcommittees as required.
* Work collaboratively with other staff/contractors employed by CCBA.
* Assist in the administration of the Committee, including attendance at meetings.
* Prepare and present reports, papers, funding applications, and submissions for/to the Committee for its consideration, and to other audiences on behalf of the Committee.
* Develop and assist with developing promotional programs, street improvement projects, festivals, events, competitions and tours, training programs and other activities in conjunction with, and as directed by, the Committee.
* Represent the CCBA Committee and where required, act as spokesperson for initiatives.
* Establish and maintain working relationships with Local, State and Federal Government, up to and including Ministerial delegations, when necessary.
* Become acquainted with & a familiar face for Central Coburg traders and businesses.
* Monitor, investigate, apply for and manage appropriate grant applications from submission through to successful conclusion including all required reporting and acquittal processes.
The duties and responsibilities of this position are performed under the guidance of the CCBA President and Committee.
Key Responsibilities
* To promote the Central Coburg Shopping and Business Precinct.
* Review and finalise the 2024 – 2027 Central Coburg Business Plan .
* Plan and develop, including working collaboratively with the Marketing Manager, an Annual Marketing Plan and Annual Budget (as required by the Funding Agreement) that align with the direction included in the CCBA – Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
* Monitor, analyse and report on the spending of the CCBA budget, ensuring that spending is effective, programs benefit the greater precinct, and deliverables and KPIs are achieved.
* Analyse the effectiveness of the Association’s activities and advise the Committee on opportunities for improvement.
* Liaise with Council and traders, and wider community where appropriate, and assist in communication between these groups.
* Develop contacts within the local community and encourage participation by as many individuals and groups which may be of benefit, as possible and increase trader engagement.
* Provide advice, referrals and, where possible, support to tenants or property owners to improve their properties and/or businesses.
* Administer the operation of the CCBA’s office, maintaining the accuracy of accounts and the timely preparation of documentation to support the efficient running of the Committee meetings.
* Oversee and help execute completion of annual vacancy audits and biannual (i.e. once every two years) trader surveys, as required under the Funding Agreement.
* Participate in relevant CCBA subcommittees and Council Committees (e.g. Local Safety Committee Quarterly Meeting; Annual Tourism Roundtable Meeting, Local Safety Committee Quarterly Meeting/Municipal Emergency Management Meetings).
* To support the transparency of the Special Charge Scheme, implement the activities and reporting requirements included in the Central Coburg Shopping Precinct, Special Charge Scheme Funding Agreement – 1 October 2022 – 30 June 2027, ensuring all planning requirements and annual and quarterly timelines are met.
* Assist in the preparation and conduct of the CCBA Annual General Meeting and reporting of the CCBA’s activities.
* Generate additional funds for the program through obtaining sponsorships, and where possible, securing grants.
* Liaise with external appointed financial auditors regarding audited financials.
* Perform other duties as required to fulfil the requirements of the Funding Agreement and as agreed with the Committee or Committee delegate.
The key responsibilities of the position require a high degree of competence. The coordination of all the prescribed activities is undertaken in an environment where:
* Tight timelines and constraints usually prevail.
* Regular and timely reporting and monitoring of activities and outcomes is necessary to meet Council’s Funding Agreement requirements.
* Guidance is not always available from Committee members and an ability to work with limited supervision and resources is required.
* There is a highly diverse mix of businesses and business operators that exist within the Special Charge area within Central Coburg Shopping Precinct.
* Written and verbal communication is required with the CCBA Committee, Council, business operators from a diverse range of educational, socio economic and cultural backgrounds and the broader community.
The roles of the President and Committee members are voluntary and part time. Ordinarily it will be the case that they run or work for businesses, and this is their primary concern.
The Association Manager therefore does not have regular supervision. The Association Manager must have the level of skills and knowledge to satisfy the requirements of the position and provide effective and accurate advice to the Committee and Council.
The position is in effect the public face of the CCBA and the degree of trust, responsibility and professionalism that it carries cannot be underestimated.
The Association Manager can often work in isolation and be the only person implementing the CCBA programs. A part time Marketing Coordinator responsible for social media and website content and posting is also employed by the CCBA.
* Experience or the ability to meet the regulatory and reporting requirements of working within a highly regulated work environment (e.g. facilitating AGMs, according with the relevant regulations; following the official procedures associated with the Constitution of the Association; and meeting government funding agreement requirements).
* Well-developed planning and coordinating skills, with demonstrated ability to think strategically and develop and implement multi-year strategic plans, business plans, and annual budget and marketing plans; in alignment with identified strategic objectives.
* Proven ability as an administrator, with skills in budgeting, reporting, setting Agendas/ Minutes, drafting official letters, record keeping, office and staff management.
* Proven ability to work under minimal supervision and identify when to refer matters that require approval or advice to the Committee.
* Excellent time management skills, including with regard to Funding Agreement timelines.
* Well-developed written skills and an ability to devise, design and deliver content for a variety of audiences, purposes and objectives.
* Well-developed verbal skills with the ability to present to the Committee, Council, business operators and the public.
* Demonstrated ability to develop, manage and successfully run street event programs and tours, functions, launches, meetings and street tours, including with regard to advertising requirements, required equipment, and delivery of a safe environment for participants.
* An ability to seek out and inform the Committee on local Council issues and relevant issues and opportunities in the Central Coburg Shopping Precinct and surrounding areas.
* Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain connections and relationships with key stakeholders and business operators.
* Proven ability to work with diverse groups, that require a high degree of diplomacy to secure effective support (e.g. Council, property owners, business owners and operators, VicPol, the CCBA Committee and other stakeholders and networks).
* Ability to use computers and competence in Microsoft Office Suite, Client Relationship Management Software (such as: Filemaker Pro, Xero and financial platforms, and Adobe Design Creative Suite, each as applicable).
* Education to tertiary standard and an appropriate degree or diploma, or equivalent training and experience.
* Previous trader experience in a shopping strip or precinct and knowledge of the Central Coburg Shopping Precinct are highly desirable.
* Knowledge of visitor economy and tourism initiatives and events that offer potential opportunities for the Central Coburg Shopping Precinct.
* Demonstrated business experience in the retail sector.
* Previous experience in a similar role in other comparable shopping precincts or under a ‘Mainstreet’ Program.
* Connections with local suppliers for gaining quotes/ arranging tenders, and securing value for money for the CCBA, in areas such as graphic design, printing, production and delivery.
* Skilled in a community language spoken by local Coburg Traders (could include but is not limited to languages including Arabic, Farsi, Mandarin, Greek, Italian, etc.).
To view the full Position Description including all of the below and more info on working conditions and the terms of employment, please view this document.
To apply for the position, please email your applications to
The application deadline is July 26, 2024.