Position Information
Kingsgrove High School is a dynamic comprehensive high school with a coeducational enrolment of 710 students, including 85% of students from a background where English is an additional language or dialect. The school has a tradition of excellence and supports students in academic achievement, the arts, sport, student leadership, co-curricular activities and community service. The school offers a broad curriculum catering for all learners with emphasis on quality teaching, student engagement and academic achievement.
There are strong programs in language development for students who have come from Intensive English Centres, literacy and numeracy, information communication technology, student welfare and leadership. As well as a diverse curriculum, students enjoy a variety of performing and creative arts and vocational education programs. The school has a Support Unit, which is an integrated and highly value part of the school community.
The school enjoys and promotes positive and constructive partnerships with parents and the wider community, who are committed to the school motto; Let Your Light Shine! (Lumen Tuum Fulgat).