The Training Requirement Specialist plays a key role in supporting the US Navy's RRL initiatives, classified as a remote position.
Job Summary:
This position is responsible for developing and implementing training effectiveness processes, materials, and reports to meet Navy objectives.
Key Responsibilities:
* Providing feedback to the PMO on meeting identified Navy objectives
* Debriefing government representatives on PMO requirements
* Oversight of Ready Relevant Learning/Rating and Career Domain Continuum (RRL/RCDC) encounters, including after-action reports and metrics
* Evaluating training effectiveness in accordance with PMO policies and procedures
* Performing duties as the technical expert and resource liaison in activities related to RRL/RCDC operations
* Planning, coordinating, and executing support for conferences, conventions, and workshops
* Executing actions related to marketing and public awareness of events, exhibits, and conferences
* Contribute to the analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation of training effectiveness processes, materials, and reports
* Provide support in meeting identified Navy objectives
* Utilize approved training requirements when available and applicable and provide feedback on improvements to the PMO or designated representative
* Operate and debrief the designated Government representative regarding the status of PMO requirements
* Evaluate training effectiveness in accordance with PMO policies and procedures
* Perform duties as the technical expert and resource liaison in activities related to RRL/RCDC operations
Preferred Qualifications:
* Bachelor's degree
* 10 years' Navy Training experience, experience may substitute for the education requirement
* Experience working with Ready Relevant Learning (RRL), Type Commanders (TYCOM), Fleet Forces Command (FFC), Naval Education Training Command (NETC) and Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV)
Acceptable Qualifications:
* 10 years of Navy Training Experience with an organization that supports Ready Relevant Learning (RRL), Type Commanders (TYCOM), Fleet Forces Command (FFC), Naval Education Training Command (NETC) and Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV)