Required for major commercial projects in Mackay.
Offering competitive high pay rates negotiated according to your experience and skills from $30/hr to $60/hr.
Flexible work hours - 8 hour days, or more, if you want. You choose start and finish times.
4 weeks paid annual leave at Christmas.
PPE supplied.
Statutory Superannuation, or more, at your request.
QLeave hours logged annually.
Training provided. Update your skills. We pay for it.
Accommodation provided for 3 months for certain applicants.
Must have White Card, Drivers Licence, Trade Certificates if required.
This is not a mine job. No fly in fly out to mine sites.
Live and work in Mackay or surrounding areas.
Shane Palmer Concreting is a fair and equitable employer. We want you to excel in the concreting trade, and be successful.
Phone: 0417 645 ***. Do not email applications. We know you're serious when you phone.