Call & WhatsApp to Ms. Akansha - +91-9311380077
Design and oversee the production of computer hardware equipment.
Test and re-test parts to ensure they work properly.
Identify and isolate defects.
Design and develop the software systems that control computers.
Design and test circuits and other electronic components.
Test work and refine processes.
Integrate components into the final design.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the design and change if necessary.
Estimate cost, reliability, and safety factors.
Use computers extensively to produce and analyze designs.
Generate specifications for parts.
Control the efficiency of processes.
Supervise technicians and other engineers during the development phase.
Build, test, and modify product prototypes.
Analyze information and recommend appropriate hardware to users.
Design support peripherals, including central processing units (CPUs), support logic, microprocessors, custom integrated circuits, and printers and disk drives.
Specify power supply requirements and configuration.
Retrieve data for analysis of system capabilities.